The best image search engines on the web

Reverse photo search on your mobile phone

Our reverse image search is web based and mobile-friendly and can be used on any modern-phone that has a web browser and internet connection regardless of the operating system. So you can easily perform reverse photo lookup on both Android and iOS or other mobile OS.

When you tap on the ‘choose file’ you can choose a photo from your mobile phone or you can take a photo with your phone’s camera (this is useful if you want to find a product or a place you liked on the spot).

You can also use the pictures from your phone storage or paste a URL of an image you want to search for.

We have tested the search by a photo on different android phones, iPhone, iPad, Windows phones, and different tablets.

Программы для поиска людей по фото: ТОП-9 лучших для ПК и телефона

Давайте рассмотрим софт который я использовал и проверял сам на практике, а чтобы не быть многословным делюсь подробностями далее по тексту

№1. TinEye

Данную технологию используют компании, выдающие страховку. Они делают верификацию клиента в случае ДТП. В сфере услуг, например, туризм, также используется для проверки подлинности отзыва о турагентстве.

Есть несколько способов получить результат facesearch.

  1. Загрузить файл, используя кнопку со стрелкой.
  2. В поле написать путь к изображению.
  3. Перетащить картинку на поле.

Сделав одно из трёх действий, подождите, пока алгоритм просканирует 42 миллиона всех возможных jpg, gif, png файлов на предмет похожести.

Быстродействие впечатляет, чтоб просканировать огромное количество сайтов потребуется всего 1.5 секунды. Более того автору не придётся переживать, что загруженный материал попадёт в чужие руки и будет размещён на сторонних ресурсах.

Сервис быстро сделает свою работу и автоматически удалит ваши файлы. Как и в любом другом продукте, здесь предусмотрена регистрация. Владельцы учётных записей узнают последние выходы обновления. Больше преимуществ не замечено. Если вам нужна “TinEye”, для постоянного применения, то можете установить расширение для браузера. Переходим по этой ссылке и кликаем.

На рисунке у меня Google Chrome, в вашем случае может быть FireFox или любой другой, в зависимости оттого, чем вы пользуетесь. Перейдя на страницу плагин, нажмите установить. Plugin скачается и установится. Лишних действий делать не придётся.

Чтобы произвести тест откройте любую страницу в интернете ту, где есть галерея с рисунками и нажмите правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы открыть контекстное меню “Search Image on TinEye”.

В новой вкладке откроется страница, и через несколько секунды вы получите результат. В моём случае, вот что выдало.

Так же можно найти и людей, например, актёров и других знаменитостей.

В результате может оказаться несколько десятков или сотен сайтов, где встречается похожие jpg-файлы. Дополнительные опции – два раскрывающихся списка.

  1. Перечислены сайты, где расположено изображение. Для получения кадров только с одного ресурса, щёлкните по Filter by domen/collection (Фильтр по домену / коллекции) и выберите домен по которому, хотите произвести отсеивание.
  2. Sort by most changed сортирует по последним изменениям.

Данный онлайн инструмент ищет только с порталов, игнорируя vk и fb. Для них нужно воспользоваться отдельным инструментом, предназначенным специально для нахождения в “вк”, “файсбук” и “одноклассники”.

Reverse Image Search On Your Smartphone

Apart from using Labonl to search for images on your phone, you can also use other methods to do a reverse image search on phone. We have already published a detailed article on the topic which you can read by clicking on the above link. However, we would be amiss if we didn’t mention some of those methods here.

Reverse Image Search on Android

Google Lens

If you’re using a relatively new smartphone that comes with support for Google Lens, then the app is another great way you can utilize Google’s immense image database and look up things on the internet by just clicking a picture of them. The service works surprisingly well and even has a bunch of cool features that further improve the overall experience.
Google Lens fails to identify our in-house celebrity, can you?

For example, with Google Lens you can conduct an image search for a product and along with giving you information about the product, Google Lens will also provide you with useful buying links for the same. With Google Lens, you can search for text, similar products, identify plants and animals, discover books and media, and scan codes just by pointing your camera at the object. The only downside to Google Lens is that it isn’t available for all smartphones and sometimes the search results aren’t as accurate as you’d expect them to be.

Download Google Lens (Free)

Reverse Image Search on iPhone

Reverse Image Search App

While you can make use of Google Lens on iOS through the Google Photos app (free) for most of your reverse image search needs, if you’re looking for a standalone app that can get the job done on your iPhone then you can try out the Reverse Image Search App.

The Reverse Image Search App on iOS is a handy alternative to Google Lens. The app uses Google Image Search, Bing Image Search and Yandex Images Search to deliver appropriate results for whatever images you search for using the app. Since the app makes use of the three services, its results are far more accurate when compared to other platforms that just make use of a single service. However, in order to use the app you’ll need to have the image stored on your device.

Download Reverse Image Search App: (Free, in-app purhcases)

Add-ons / Extensions for Prominent Browsers

Google Reverse Image Search (Firefox)

It allows you to search relative images from the large database of Google Images. It’s quite useful as an add-on as it saves your significant amount of time.

Who stole my pictures? (Firefox)

This Firefox Add-on lets you search for an image on a variety of reverse image search engines, which includes Yandex, Tineye, Google Images and All you have to do is to right click on any picture and you can run a query for it on the search engine of your choice.

Search by Image (Chrome)

Search by Image is a very simple tool. All you’ve to do is right click on the image, then the tool gathers all its information from the source and allows you to search similar images or provides you same image in higher resolution.

TinEye Reverse Image Search (Plugin)

TinEye plugin comes with a context menu item that allows you to search for an image, provides its source, its type of uses, modified versions and higher resolution versions. It is available for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera.

Creative Searching

Even with the shortcomings described in this guide, there are a handful of methods to maximize your search process and game the search algorithms.

Specialized Sites

For one, you could use some other, more specialized search engines outside of the three detailed in this guide. The Cornell Lab’s Merlin Bird ID app, for example, is extremely accurate in identifying the type of birds in a photograph, or giving possible options. Additionally, though it isn’t an app and doesn’t let you reverse search a photograph, will let you manually enter information about a flag to figure out where it comes from. For example, with the Dutch flag that even Yandex struggled with, FlagID has no problem. After choosing a horizontal tricolor flag, we put in the colors visible in the image, then receive a series of options that include the Netherlands (along with other, similar-looking flags, such as the flag of Luxembourg).

Language Recognition

If you are looking at a foreign language with an orthography you don’t recognize, try using some OCR or Google Translate to make your life easier. You can use Google Translate’s handwriting tool to detect the language* of a letter that you hand-write, or choose a language (if you know it already) and then write it out yourself for the word. Below, the name of a cafe (“Hedgehog in the Fog“) is written out with Google Translate’s handwriting tool, giving the typed-out version of the word (Ёжик) that can be searched.

*Be warned that Google Translate is not very good at recognizing letters if you do not already know the language, though if you scroll through enough results, you can find your handwritten letter eventually.

Pixelation And Blurring

As detailed in a brief Twitter thread, you can pixelate or blur elements of a photograph in order to trick the search engine to focus squarely on the background. In this photograph of Rudy Giuliani’s spokeswoman, uploading the exact image will not bring back results showing where it was taken.

However, if we blur out/pixelate the woman in the middle of the image, it will allow Yandex (and other search engines) to work their magic in matching up all of the other elements of the image: the chairs, paintings, chandelier, rug and wall patterns, and so on.

After this pixelation is carried out, Yandex knows exactly where the image was taken: a popular hotel in Vienna.


Reverse image search engines have progressed dramatically over the past decade, with no end in sight. Along with the ever-growing amount of indexed material, a number of search giants have enticed their users to sign up for image hosting services, such as Google Photos, giving these search algorithms an endless amount of material for machine learning. On top of this, facial recognition AI is entering the consumer space with products like FindClone and may already be used in some search algorithms, namely with Yandex. There are no publicly available facial recognition programs that use any Western social network, such as Facebook or Instagram, but perhaps it is only a matter of time until something like this emerges, dealing a major blow to online privacy while also (at that great cost) increasing digital research functionality.

If you skipped most of the article and are just looking for the bottom line, here are some easy-to-digest tips for reverse image searching:

  • Use Yandex first, second, and third, and then try Bing and if you still can’t find your desired result.
  • If you are working with source imagery that is not from a Western or former Soviet country, then you may not have much luck. These search engines are hyper-focused on these areas, and struggle for photographs taken in South America, Central America/Caribbean, Africa, and much of Asia.
  • Increase the resolution of your source image, even if it just means doubling or tripling the resolution until it’s a pixelated mess. None of these search engines can do much with an image that is under 200×200.
  • Try cropping out elements of the image, or pixelating them if it trips up your results. Most of these search engines will focus on people and their faces like a heat-seeking missile, so pixelate them to focus on the background elements.
  • If all else fails, get really creative: mirror your image horizontally, add some color filters, or use the clone tool on your image editor to fill in elements on your image that are disrupting searches.

Image Search Sites

  • Pixabay: Over one million high-quality stock images and videos, including vector graphics and illustrations. This is just one of many public domain image sites that you’re free to use without copyright issues. 
  • Flickr: An awesome image finder for locating a huge array of different photos. Some of these images can be reused, but if you’re just looking for fantastic photo galleries from talented photographers worldwide, Flickr can still be a useful source.
  • Getty Images: Huge database of searchable images from various leading brands. You can narrow your search to include only royalty-free images. This image search site offers different levels of access depending on what you need it for.
  • Hubble’s Greatest Hits: Amazing pictures of space objects as collected by the Hubble telescope from 1990-1995.
  • : This social media giant lets you run an image search across every publicly accessible Twitter account or just the people you follow. You can even limit the image search to photos near your location. See our article on how to search Twitter images for more information.

Warren and Genevieve Garst Photographic Collection: Amazing collection of over 1,300 images put together by the Garsts and donated to Colorado State University Libraries as they were filming for Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom TV series.

American Memory Collections: Photos and Prints: From the Library of Congress, these collections include Ansel Adams photography, Civil War, and Presidents and First Ladies.

The Smithsonian Institution Archive Collections: Run a picture search or browse through selected images from Smithsonian collections.

Classroom Clipart: A source for free downloadable clipart, searchable by topic.

Eastman Museum: Use this image finder to search through a wide variety of collections, including Moving Image and Technology.

National Geographic Photography Collection: This image search site includes photo galleries from this acclaimed magazine, gorgeous wallpapers, a photo of the day, and more.

NASA Image and Video Library: Search among thousands of NASA press release photos, videos, and audio recordings spanning American manned space programs from the Mercury program to the STS-79 Shuttle mission.

NYPL Digital Gallery: Updated daily, this is the New York Public Library’s collection of free digital images. Use this image lookup tool to access hundreds of thousands of images digitized from primary sources and printed rarities to find illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints and photographs, illustrated books, printed ephemera, and more.

The Best Image Search Engines

There are many image search engines in the world. Some are very broad and all encompassing, like Google and Yahoo, and some are niche and confined, like HONMedia. What these websites all have in common is a database of images that can be searched through using keywords, tags, or topics.

The best in the market are the ones that can provide the best match to a search query, and also have a large enough database to cater for their audience.

Here are the best image search engines that you can use:

  1. Google Images

    Have you always wanted to know how to search images on Google? Using Google Images you can search for images to use for your website, blog, ads, and other marketing content. While not all images found in Google images can be used for commercial purposes without permission, Google Images has an extensive collection for you to sort through.

    As the best image search engine in the market, you’ll find the most extensive collection of pictures on Google Images than any other platform. You can search for specific products such as kitchen utensils, or niches like running, which you can use in your business.

    How does Google image search work? With Google Images, you can sort through images of specific sizes, color, what type of image it is, and more, by simply typing in keywords. You can then sort images by their license by clicking Tools then Usage Rights. You’ll want to use an image that’s labeled for reuse. Images under that section can be used for blog posts, ads, or other marketing activities. You’ll notice that most of the images in these sections come from a variety of free stock photo sites.

  2. Yahoo Image Search comes in second place as one of the best image search engines because you can find great images for every niche. When you type your niche into the search bar you’ll be shown a variety of images. You’ll want to change the license, see top right corner, to include ‘free to share and use commercially’ or you can choose ‘free to modify, share and use commercially’ if you plan to modify images in any way. You’ll find professional lifestyle images, images on white backgrounds, graphics and more which you can use on your store.

  3. Bing Image Search is similar to Google Images and Yahoo Images so it’s another great picture search engine you can use to source images. Type your niche or what you need an image of into the Bing Image search bar. You’ll notice on the far right hand side there’s a Filter button. When you click it, you’ll see a dropdown appear. Click on License. You’ll want to choose images that are free for commercial use.

  4. PicSearch has a collection of 3 billion images it’s no wonder it’s one of the best image search engines. The image search engine sources pictures from a variety of websites. You can choose from lifestyle pictures to stock photos. You’ll still need to obtain permission to use the images on the platform as per the disclaimer on the footer of their website. However, you’ll know which website the pictures come from making it easy to contact for permission.

  5. Yandex is another free website with a large database of images to search. It’s the most popular search engine in Russia, but small compared to its competitors. If the database has nothing to satisfy the exact search, it will show similar images to the use. You can also use Yandex for reverse image search. 

  6. Pinterest visual search tool is a fun thing to play with. Different to most other tools you can zoom into a section of an image and reverse search this to find similar images, or pins. The fact that you don’t need to search the whole image makes this a very intriguing tool. To use it you need to sign in to Pinterest and start pinning things.

  7. Creative Commons is one of the most extensive image collections making it to the list of the best image search engines. You’ll be able to search images from a range of picture search engines such as Google Images, Flickr, Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay, and more. Whether you’re looking for a picture that represents your niche or of a famous celebrity, you’ll be sure to find images.

  8. Flickr

    Flickr is a unique image search engine. The majority of images come from amateur and professional photographers, who are sharing their work on Flickr. You can use a variety of different filters when searching for an image, and even follow people on Flickr or join groups. 

Поиск человека по фото с телефона

Вы довольно часто используете телефон, для фото или общения? Тогда вам пригодятся приложения, которые помогут в кротчайшие сроки найти похожий предмет и человека. Сейчас будет рассказано, как осуществить поиск человека по фото с телефона. Сколько способов поисков существует? Достаточно много начиная от простого использования гугл и заканчивая установкой приложения, для быстрого распознавания и проверки похожих фотографий. Далее следует список.

Alice помощник – это робот написанный компанией яндекс, который умеет распознавать речь человека, и более того, этот бот неплохо отличает изображения полученные из интернета.

Чтобы им воспользоваться и начать поиск, сделайте следующие действия:

Сделайте снимок предмета или человека, с мобильного устройства. Если у вас уже есть подготовленное изображение, выберите его из памяти, щёлкнув на соответствующую иконку внизу экрана. Второй способ проще активировать Алису и сказать “Алиса, сделай фото”. Робот сделает снимок и сможет определить, распознать объект и даже найти его в поисковой системе.

CamFind – простая программа, после установки автоматически активируется, если это не произошло, нажмите на “Capture” внизу экрана. Дальше жмём кнопку захват, после этого картинка отправится на сервер данного приложения с последующей обработкой. Когда она завершится, высветятся результаты поиска:

  • Google Lens – возможно устанавливается не на всех устройствах, поэтому чтобы проверить, поддерживает ли версия андроид это приложение, перейдите Google Assistant и посмотрите, появилась ли иконка “Гугл Ленс” слева от камеры. В некоторых моделях программа доступна через приложения камеры, там так же есть специальная иконка. При нажатии Google Lens, будет готов искать рисунки. Теперь главное, как работает. В отличие от всех остальных похожих сервисов, он ищет сразу, как только вы сделаете снимок и определяет, какой предмет попал в кадр. Есть несколько дополнительных фишек, например, вы сфоткали текст, то его сразу можно скопировать, если email, то отправить по нему письмо.
  • Image Search – более удобный сервис, особенными качествами не наделён, просто сравнивает и отображает похожие изображения в специальной секции.

Воспользуйтесь им и найдите то, что нужно.

iOS-приложение Reversee – ищет фото в поисковиках. Умеет искать в трёх направлениях:

  • Веб-страницы
  • Профиль в соц. Сетях
  • Показать улучшенную копию изображения

Возможности у приложения шире.

  • Фоторедактор –поворачивает, а также может обрезать картинку
  • Использует, только стандартно, ПС, но можно настроить под Bing и Яндекс.
  • Настраиваются параметры – формат и размер по которому нужно сделать поиск.
  • Постинг в соц. сетях, и отправка на email.
  • Результат может быть сохранён на айфон.

В статье были перечислены, все известные способы нахождения людей. Надеюсь материал был полезен. Предлагаю подписаться на рассылку блога и посмотреть видео где автор круто применяет технологию поиска в чат рулетке на своем канале.

Apps for Reverse Image Search

If you prefer using apps for reverse image search, we’ve compiled a list of apps for you:

1. Search By Image

Search by Image is an app available on Android that helps you find similar images or pictures using either Google, Tineye, or Yandex reverse image search engine. Search by Image supports camera to capture the image, and also allows you to easily edit the image before searching. With the Image editor you can also rotate the image, flip it horizontally or vertically, and crop the image. Additionally, you have the option of opening shared images from other apps like Facebook, Twitter, your browser, etc., without having to save them.

Available on Android for free. 

2. Reversee

This reverse image app sends your pictures directly into the Google Images database to help you search for similar images. You can upgrade to the pro version for $3.99 and get results from Bing and Yandex as well.

Available on iOS for free. 

3. Photo Sherlock

This app provides search by image taken from your camera or an existing image in your gallery. Similar to the other apps, Photo Sherlock can be useful to find information about photos on Google, for example to detect the real owner or a photo from social network, or if you want to check if a photo is fake or original. It’s quite simple to use, with basic image searching functions, and allows you to crop the image before searching.

Available on iOS and Android for free. 

4. Veracity

With this app you can reverse search images by uploading through your camera roll, photo library or even uploading from Dropbox. You have the option to remove ads from the app with a $2.99 in-app purchase.

Available on iOS for free. 

How to use reverse image search?

Image reverse search is a simple tool for finding similar photos. It’s very use to easy and handy, all you have to sopy paste picture that you want to check. Find the image that you want to search and upload on image search reverse tool. Within a few seconds, you’ll get all similar photos. Search by picture is an easy option when you don’t know the keyword of a certian object. Image search engine has the ability to search and find all the related results from photo directory instead of providing links and articles. That’s why search with image is a new trend in 2019 as it is quick, accurate, and efficient method of finding something.

More SEO Tools

Prepostseo leads in providing free SEO tools. We offer 95+ SEO and web management tools that are shaping career and future of more than 01 Million users across the world. Our popular SEO tools are Plagiarism Checker, Grammar Checker,  Article Rewriter, Paraphrasing tool, and Word Counter. 

Reverse Image Search

Ever wonder where an image you see on the web actually came from? Or maybe you made a custom photo and you’re curious who else is using it. Do modified versions of an image exist elsewhere, like one in a higher resolution?

You can find all of that out with a reverse photo search. There are several ways to do this, but the idea is the same: you provide an image for your search query instead of text. For example, rather than running an image search for house, if you want to see house pictures that look like the one you have, you feed the search tool the actual picture you have instead.

A Google reverse photo search is one way to do this. Bing Visual Search and TinEye work similarly. Another way to run an image search using another image is with ; there’s a visual search button on the bottom corner of photos.

If you’re on a mobile device, check out our article on how to do a reverse image search on a phone or tablet.

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What is Yandex Reverse Image Search?

It is possible that the reason why you have not used this image search is that you do not know what Yandex Reverse Image Search is. Yandex is the Russian tech company focusing on Web related services and products.

Its search engine is the most used in Russia, with a market share of 65%. According to ComScore, it is the fourth worldwide most popular search engine in the world.

The Yandex reverse image search has proven to be more accurate and effective not only that of Google, but also that of other search engines, such as Bing or Yahoo.

At the time of showing the results, this search engine is based on an algorithm that analyzes the faces and objects present in the photos, data and related information of the images, as well as their relevance.

Thanks to this, Yandex is able to show not only the same images, but also images that contain the same face or the same object with much more precision than the solutions of the competition.

How it works

Hosted API

The TinEye API is a fully hosted API. There is no software to install and no updates to
worry about. By using our hosted API, you save time and money needed to build and maintain
your own image recognition solutions.

Fully documented

The TinEye API is a REST-based API, delivered over HTTP or HTTPS in JSON format. REST/JSON
bindings are available in all major programming languages. We also support a growing number
of language-specific libraries to make integration very straight forward. Our
documentation and
libraries are extensive.

Scalable and high performance

Multiple image query support including JPEG, PNG, or GIF. Query images can be specified by a
publicly accessible image URL, or uploaded.

Large and growing image index

The TinEye API searches the TinEye index which is an index of a large cross section of the web.
The TinEye index is at 44,770,478,353 images today.

Нам доверяют

Написание текста с помощью Paint

Reverse Image Search: The Easy Way to Get Relevant Details About Images

There’s a ton of reasons why you’d want to know more about an image.


Continue Reading Below

  • You want to know if you can post it on your site.
  • You want to know who’s using your images.
  • You’re just curious about an image you like.

The good news is you can now do it with any browser or search engine you choose.

It’s easy to do on Mac or PC, iPhone or Android, mobile, or desktop.

Have fun!

More Resources:

  • How to Do a Reverse Google Image Search
  • The 10 Best Image Search Engines
  • Google SEO 101: Image Search Best Practices & Changes Over the Years

Image Credits

All screenshots taken by author, May 2020


TinEye is a product of Idee Inc., a Toronto based company. It has been the most popular and widely used reverse search engine till date with 13.9 billion images indexed. TinEye, as per their claims is the first website ever to use the image identification technology. To use this service, you have to upload the desired image or provide its link and command the tool to hunt for similar pictures. TinEye supports JPEG, PNG, and GIF images, and the upload size is limited to 20 MB. TinEye doesn’t recognize the persons or objects in the picture, but it recognizes the entire picture as a whole. It can also be used to track down illegal use of copyrighted images. Thus, it becomes a very useful search engine. Plus, it has browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Safari which is great if you are regular user of such services.

TineEye’s free version allows up to 150 searches a week. If you wish to exceed search limit and want to experience advanced features of TinEye, you’ll have to opt for its  starting at $200 for 5000 image searches over a period of two years. Apart from that, TinEye Lab features a Multicolor Engine that extracts color from 20 million royalty free creative commons images from Flickr, which makes these images searchable by color. I tried Multicolor engine myself and it works like a charm. It’s indeed a step ahead in the technological accomplishment. You can check it out for yourself, here.

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